WorlDynamics, an organization devoted to make the world a better place while operating according to the highest ethical standards, started Philanthropic Journeys in 2015 to connect individuals (and companies) - with an honest desire to make a real difference in the world through a hands-on approach - and local communities in desperate need for external interventions. The initiative is a radically new concept that brings together the aspirations of sophisticated travelers to delve deeper into the profound emotions felt while visiting remote areas (e.g. respond to a sense of general dissatisfaction with the world, being a promoter of positive change, wanting to help the less fortunate, longing to reconnect with nature, living an experience to remember, finding the inner self, etc.) and the needs of the people who most struggle in today's society, including their demands for environmental protection/restoration.

Looking into the eyes of a child reminds us of the tenderness for life that we can all feel. Similar emotions come natural when we take the time to meet people who suffer. It is as if all of a sudden we were reminded that we all come from just one family

Philanthropic Journeys is in a rare and enviable position to provide ongoing personalized assistance in building experiences that are always unique as the JOURNEYS are built by the donors themselves with the assistance of a qualified advisor. The support provided comes directly from Dr. Tonelli, founder of the initiative as well as a scholar, consultant, and entrepreneur whose extensive work has taken him to more than 100 countries across all continents and offered him continuous learning opportunities in the most diverse of settings for the past 15 years. In other words, you will have at your side:

  • A researcher who works on the ground with theoretical and practical knowledge of environmental and social problems as they occur in the 'real' world. This means a proven ability to engage with a variety of potential project stakeholders.
  • A management consultant and entrepreneur with the connections, business skills and know-how required to make a project feasible and sustainable.
  • An experienced traveler used to adapt well in every situation, ensuring: reduced risk, saving money, and rare experiences.

With a strong belief that what makes a project 'major' does not lie so much in the dollar amount, but is rather in the eye of the donor, Philanthropic Journeys assists individuals (and groups) with philanthropic dreams in carefully exploring their desires before diving in head-first. With expert first-hand knowledge of regions of the world that are in desperate need, solid connections with highly reputable organizations, and proven scientific understanding of global challenges, we are in an exceptional position to assist prospective philanthropic entrepreneurs and companies select project ideas and walk them through a roadmap of questions and scenarios to assess suitability and viability.

Away from the tourist routes it is possible to experience ancient ways of life that are clearly different from the mainstream society. Many of these people choose not to live like industrialized countries and remain largely self-sufficient. The way of life of tribal people needs to be protected as it represents the closest reference to our primordial way of living and a vivid representation of the nature-man symbiosis.

Once a project is identified and a business plan carefully crafted, we then take the client on the ground and let him/her experience first-hand what was just considered on paper. This carefully documented assessment phase will be a unique travel experience extremely valuable in its own right, regardless of whether implementation will follow. The decision to execute the plan will be taken by the client alone upon his return home, later in his life, or never, but the experience of his journey will last for a lifetime and represent a seed for personal growth and possibly future philanthropic involvements.

In the case of companies, a journey that places senior executives in secluded tribal settings can also produce radical innovations from a state of mind that is pure of all preconceptions. We call this process Pheno-Tribal Sensemaking.

Preparation and undertaking of each journey will be documented in a variety of formats. Through World in Arts we can in fact narrate your story with pictures, videos, an editorial piece, and animations relying exclusively on internal resources.

The better your planning at the beginning, the more likely you are to achieve your goals, as a sense of the possible as well as the practical gets triggered. Thoughtful philanthropy is precisely that - thoughtful... and thinking takes time. We recommend the process below, outlining key milestones on your philanthropic journey, to unfold over a minimum period of 6 months.

Roll the mouse over the map to enlarge the various steps

Explore some of the recent journeys to get ideas in planning your own. Each depicted journey links to a brief video that highlights a situation of need.

  1. What does Philanthropy mean ?
  2. Are Philanthropy and Charity the same ?
  3. Why do we refer to it as a Journey instead of Travelling ?
  4. What are Situations of Need ?
  5. What prompts a person to undertake a Philanthropic Journey ?
  6. What are the usual Barriers to become a Philanthropic Entrepreneur?
  7. How is your assistance different from what is provided by established Philanthropic Advisory Service providers?

Poverty develops for different reasons and takes different forms. There are entire communities today that have no choice over their way of living. They have lost the traditional knowledge of tribal people, have no sense of identity, and struggle with basic necessities (food, water, shelter). If guided towards a gradual reconnect with Nature while forging social interactions instead of being treated as consumers by MNCs, these people could one day exemplify improved ways of living for the rest of humanity.

Proper planning before commencing your journey is always required. Refer to the Process page to familiarize with the fundamental steps. Philanthropic Journeys are run twice a year roughly 6 months apart, so we recommend booking your on-the-ground experience well in advance. Given the small size of our operations we cannot guarantee the possibility of accompanying you at different times, although exceptions might occur. This service is NOT to be intended as an 'alternative' to usual family holiday vacations although extra activities can at times be incorporated in the trips. On average the on-the-ground component of the journey lasts about 10 days, depending on the location, stage of the project idea, and selected extra activities.

Projects in: North America, South America, Europe.

Projects in: Asia, Oceania, Africa.

Every client, every project, every journey is different. The information on this site is only meant to give you a general idea of the possibilities. Drop us an email at info@philanthropicjourneys.com with a brief description of WHO you are and WHAT you seek. We will contact you to discuss things in greater details and present you a variety of alternatives intended just for you.

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